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Christopher Calvin (MMT) Myoskeletal Therapist
(LMT) Licensed Medical Massage Therapist
(CFT) Certified Fitness Trainer
(CPhT) 30yrs Ret. Certified Pharmacy/I.V. Technician
(PHTC) 30yrs Ret. Licensed Pharmacy/I.V. Technician
Christopher Calvin is a 2020 Graduate of the Worldwide known and Accredited (The Freedom From Pain Institute) in Oklahoma City,Ok; receiving a Master Degree in Myoskeletal Therapy(MMT) Program Instructed by Dr. Erik Dalton PhD.
  Myoskeletal Therapy is simply correcting and Re-Educating Damaged or Injured Muscles around a Imbalanced or Balanced Structure with Muscle Realignment. Christopher Calvin is also a graduate of an 900 hours, One Year Accredited Certified Clinical Massage Therapy Program graduating with a G.P.A of 4.0 from start to finish. Taking the national (MBLEx)>Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination, given by the (FSMTB)>Federation of State Massage Therapy Board, allowed him to receive the title of (LMT)>Licensed Massage Therapist and to practice Therapy in the State of Georgia. He specialize in treating those whose body has been affected by certain pathologies, repetitive use or injuries. Using affective Therapeutic and Clinical Techniques, Therapist Calvin also incorporates his knowledge as a Science Degree Major and Certified Fitness Trainer to bring about Therapeutic results. He is also a member of the (AMTA)>American Massage Therapy Association. Graduate of Dekalb Tech with a A.S. Degree 1996, Biology Major at Clark Atlanta University1998, over 20 years as a Certified Fitness Trainer by the International Sports Science Asscociation(I.S.S.A.) since 2006. A Graduate of The Atlanta College of Medical and Dental in Pharmacy Technology 1993. Certified by the National (PTCB)>Pharmacy Technician Certification Board in 2003, receiving the title of (CPhT)>Certified Pharmacy Technician and the (PHTC)License from the State of Georgia Board of Pharmacy to practice Pharmacy 2006. Fully Retired from Pharmacy in 2023 after 30 years of Service.

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